Ok, I think I'm going to stop seeing him before 5th period. I don't know, but he seems like he...I don't know. Dude, I'm probably looking too much into this. He doesn't really look at me the same way anymore. Well, at least, he didn't today. That little spark was gone. Maybe he doesn't feel good. I know that yesterday he didn't. I don't know. I just need to be reassured over and over about things like this.
I hate thinking about this so much but I really can't help it.
Honestly, where are you now?
>>I am in Mrs. McCreedy's class.
Honestly, have you ever failed a subject?
Honestly, what's on your mind?
Honestly, what is it that you really should be doing right now?
>> Working on my Junior Portfolio.
Honestly, have you brushed your teeth today?
Honestly, who is the hottest person you know?
>>I don't know, there are a lot of people I find attractive.
Honestly, are you a good friend?
>>I try to be.
Honestly, do you think school is important?
>>Yeah, it depends on the subject.
Honestly, what are your dreams mostly about?
>>My dreams really have no point.
Honestly, who/what makes you happy most of the time?
>>Monica, Walker Texas Ranger Thursdays with Sarah, Ali, Alexis, lots of things.
Honestly, what song are you listening to?>>I was listening to "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson, but now I'm listening to "Zanzabar" by Incredibad. Now it's "I Should've Known Better" by the Beatles.
Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
>>Monica or Alexis.
Honestly, do you have a deadly disease?
>>Yeah, I suck. I think that's a deadly enough disease.
Honestly who would you like to hug right now?
>>Haha, Alexis, even though I hugged him like 10 minutes ago.
Honestly, are you bored?
>>Not really, because I have things to do. I just don't want to do them.
Honestly, who do you want to slap right now:
>>Myself. Again and again.
Honestly, are you happy?
L A S T S:
Last Cry:
>>I don't remember. A couple weeks ago, I believe.
Last Movie:
>>In theaters: When A Stranger Calls, At home: Shaun of the Dead
Last Book Read:
>>Miss Misery by Andy Greenwald (I think that's what his name is..)
Last Beverage Drank:
>>AriZona Green Tea.
Last Food Consumed:
>>A chicken sandwich that I ended up giving to Carl.
Last Hug:
>>Alexis =]
Last TV Show Watched:
>>Walker, Texas Ranger. I didn't watch TV at all yesterday, but on Monday that's the only TV show I can remember watching.
Last Soda Drank:>> RC Cola. Haha, I haven't had soda since Monday, too.
Last Words Spoken:>> I was singing "Bandages" by Hot Hot Heat earlier before class started. I haven't said anything since I logged onto the computer. Ok, I take that back. I just said, "What?" right now.
Last Annoyance:
B O D Y:
>>438, 206
Hair color:
Eye color:
L A S T . . .
Song you listened to:
>>"Wonderwall" by Oasis. Right now "Speed of Sound" by Coldplay is on.
Person you've called:
>>Fili, so he could open the door and let Sarah and I back into Layout.
Person that called you:
>>Hm. I don't know, no one's really called me in a couple days. I think it's Alexis. Someone's probably called me after him though, but I can't think of anyone who has.
Person you were thinking of:
You smoke:
Like cleaning:
You like roller coasters:
N U M B E R...
Of times you have been in love?
Of times you have had your heart broken?
>>Seriously, only twice.
Of people you consider your enemies?
>>No one. Enemies is a dumb word. Other than that, I don't really hate anyone. I like to say I "dislike" them, anyway.
Of scars on your body?
>>I don't know I don't really count.
Of things in your past that you regret?
>>Nothing really.
1 Time started: 12:53 PM
2 First Name: Deanna
3 Single or Taken: Single.
4 Sex: Female.
5 Birthday:July 17, 1989
6 Siblings: None.
7 Hair color: Brown.
8 hair length: A little shorter than shoulder length.
9 height: 5' 4''
10 Innie or Outie: Innie.
11 Wearing right now: Orange Beastie Boys shirt, Jeans, navy blue hoodie.
12 Righty or lefty? Righty.
13 Can you make a dollar in change right now? Nope.
14 Who are your closest friends: Monica, Ali, and Sarah.
15 Do you have a BF or GF? No.
16 Best place to go for a date: It doesn't really matter, just hanging out is fun.
17. Favorite place to shop: Barnes & Noble.
18. Favorite kind of pants: Jeans.
19. Favorite color: Green, Purple, Teal and Gray.
20. Number(s): 9 and 99.
21 Animal(s): Cats, ferrets and otters. Oh, and panda bears.
22 Drink: RC Cola, Green Tea, Cinnabon coffee, or Oreo Cookie Lattes.
23 Sport(s): Soccer!!
24 Fast-Food Place: In-N-Out, Chipotle, Burger Kind and...Sonic.
26 Current Movie: Shaun of the Dead/Saved!
27 Juice: Apple Juice.
29 Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls.
30. Favorite cartoon character: Ash from Pokemon is pretty cute.
---------------------Have you had..----------------
68 Chicken pox: Yeah.
69 Sore Throat: Yeah.
70 Stitches: Yeah.
71 Broken nose: No.
-------------------------Do You--------------------------
72 Believe in love at first sight: "I think you're cute at first sight."
73 Like picnics: Yeah!
74 Like school: Not really.
-----------------------------The Last Person-----------------------------
81 You yelled at: Sarah, but in a jokingly way.
82 Who broke your heart: Sam.
83 Who told you they loved you? I think it was Alex or Ryan.
84 Who is your loudest friend?: STEVIE WUNDA BREDS LOLZL
------------------Do you/Are You:---------------------------
85 Do you like filling these out? Actually, I do.
87 Do you like yourself: I'm okay, I guess.
88 Do you get along with your family? Yeah.
89 Stolen anything over $50: Nope.
90 Obsessive?: Rivers?
91 Compulsive?: I don't know.
92 Anorexic?: No.
93 Suicidal?: Not at all.
---------------------Love Life---------------------
94 Do you have a crush? I don't really like to use that word, but yes, I do like someone.
95 If so, do they know? I think he does.
96 Have you truly told them how you feel, face to face? Actually, he told me that he thought I was really cool and I just said, "Thanks, I think you're really cool too."
97 How did they respond?: He smiled at me and then asked me if I wanted to do something the next weekend.
98 What is so great about them?: He's a really nice guy, he's funny, and he makes me smile a lot.
--------------------------------This or That--------------------------
99 Coffee, or tea? Either one is fine with me.
100 Phone or in person: In person.
101 Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child: I'M ALL OF THEM. HAHA. SUCKER.
102 Indoor or outdoor? Either one is fine.
111 End Time: 1:06 PM
I think we're leaving soon, so I'm going to go.