

I'm a mess. Not really, but my thoughts are scattered. He got AIM and IMed me last night. I don't think he got AIM to specifically talk to me, I seriously and absolutely doubt it. Anyway, we were talking and he said he was gonna go out and...well, basically be a boy. Get into trouble, that sort of thing.
Anyway, I said that if I woke up and there were grapefruits on my front lawn I would know who did it. I was, of course, kidding. I didn't need to worry, he'd never throw anything at me. I'm too sweet, he said.
I said, "Aw. You're sweet too, if I might add."
Then he said, "Hold on, I don't mean you don't have to worry about it that way, you know what I'm saying?"
Then I said, "Yeah, I know. Okie dokie."
Then he said, "Good, I didn't want to clobber you in the face, haha"

No, actually, I don't know what you're saying. I kept thinking he was trying to say that he didn't like me or something. Maybe all this thinking has totally jinxed it. It's possible, isn't it? What can go wrong, will go wrong.
If he likes me, I figured he would've wanted to kiss me by now or something. I don't know, I have little to almost no experience with boys so I really have no idea how long the wait should be...or whatever. If he likes me, he would want to, right? Maybe he doesn't like me after all.

But that night...we like held eachother for like 83294832 minutes. Ok, actually it was more like 3, but ahhhhhhitwassooooniceeejklfd;asjkfds;.

I'm just confused. Maybe I'm just looking too much into this and making things seem bad when they really aren't at all. I could just be imagining all of this. I'm such a worrywart.

I just wish I knew for sure for sure. Like, seriously-completely-rock-solid. I know that actions speak louder than words, and how he hugs me and looks at me makes me think he likes me. It's not that he doesn't say stuff, he's told me he thinks I'm funny and that he thinks I'm really really cool and stuff but I dunno.

It's funny how ONE sentence over the internet can totally set me off on a rollercoaster of thoughts. I really need to learn not get so involved.

I wanted to like, stop trying to run into him after lunch to maybe see if he'll come up to me. I hate passing up time that I could be talking to him though. I just wish that he'd show the same effort as I do. I don't know, I just feel like I'm...creepy always waiting until he leaves so I can and...oops...run into him! XD

I do know, though, that he wants to spend time with me. There's no reason why he would ask me out again or further the whole "we're gonna play Mario Kart" thing by saying "we need to really do this...but when?" Seriously.


Ok, I'm done.


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