
1. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
I couldn't do it, personally. I mind other people who are, though. I get too attached and I'm pretty emotional, and in my head I would parallel it with care, love, and emotions, and that would just send me all-a-screwy

2. Do you bite your toenails?
No, that seems kind of gross to me.

3. Are you a jealous person?
Not really, well I can be. But for the most part, I can tolerate it.

4. What are you allergic to?
Nothing that I know of

5. What books, if any, have made you cry?
When Dumbledore died, I got a bit teary. I know there has been stuff that made me cry but I can't recall anything specific at the moment

6. Does it get annoying when somebody says they'll call you, but doesn't?
Yes, because I wait around all day for it and then when it never comes I feel really rejected and forgotten.

7. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate peanut butter. or chocolate chip cookie dough

8. Whose car were you in last?
My mom's van

9. What would you rather be doing right now?
Well, I'd like to be asleep but since I went to bed at like 9:30 I woke up insanely early. I'd like to be with Alexis but at the same time I don't really want to. I'd like be with Monica but she's probably asleep. I'd like to hang out with Matt but I saw him friday and yesterday. I dont want to like bore him of me too quickly

10. What song lyrics, if any, are stuck in your head at the moment?
Earlier I had........dang i cant remember. sorry

12. What did you dress up as for Halloween?
I was Hermione! and then Sarah and I wrapped ourselves in foil and got free burritos. that was kickass

13. What's your favorite TV show?
The Office

14. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
Probably guys because most of the time when I'm around girls I feel like I'm a guy

15. Can others make you cry easily?

16. Who was the last person to piss you off?
probably my mom. ha

17. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Sometimes, but i dont point it out to anyone

18. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
I look at them just out of curiosity but not because i want to lose weight

19. If you could be any type of fruit what would you be?
a banana. because it rhymes with my name

23. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
it really depends on what day it is

25. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
that one time at monica's house when we made a big pile of cookies and i fell asleep on her hardwood floor and her mom got mad at me hahah

26. Have you ever been attracted to someone but physically unattracted to them?
Probably, but I cant think of anyone.

27. What personality trait is a must-have in the preferred sex?

28. Do you like traveling via airplane?
Yeah. its pretty cool

29. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
Probably not because at first glance, naturally, people stay away from things they are not used to. and i would stay away from a biker fool

30. Do you believe the guy/girl should pay on the first date?
i dunno i've never really thought about it. if its not too expensive. i'd feel bad if it were expensive

32. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
i kind of want my ears pierced but i dunno. im a wussy

33. Which do you make: dreams or plans?
My plans always get ruined because i dream them too far ahead of me

34. Can you speak any languages other than English?
Not really

35. What is your favorite salad dressing?

36. What movies do you know every line to?
hahah harry potter

37. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?
No but someone i have dated becacame my best friend

38. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Not that i can recall

39. Have you told someone else that secret?
I dont remember any secrets so i cant tell them

40. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I like taking pictures. but i also like being in them too.

41. Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
No i hardly ever wear flip flops

42. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I wouldnt do that because i'd get really bored and tired of eating the same thing

45. When was your last road trip?
When alexis and I went to the mountains during spring break

46. Name 3 countries you've been to:
United States
United States
United States

47. Name 5 all time favorite bands/singers:
weezer, the beatles, the beastie boys, the foo fighters, coldplay

48. Four names you go by?
deanna, d, danna, danna lolz

49. Who is in the house with you?
my mom and dad are somewhere around here. and i think charlie is inside too.

50. What are you thinking about right now?
I've been thinking about talking to Alexis about things between us and prom, and I've been thinking about prom, and I've been thinking about friday, physics olympics, rehashing everything that happened, and i wont lie: i've been thinking about matt. i've been thinking about my stats grade and how i'm going to get it up, annnnddddd when i'm gonna watch the rest of the office 1st season.

Your lucky number:
My lucky number, I guess, would be 99 because it's my favorite number twice. But I don't know if two favorites make a lucky, you know like the whole two negatives equal a positive rule.

A smell that makes you pause:
Something tasty, because then I have to figure out where it's coming from and get me some of it.

A taste that makes you melt:
I'm not quite sure.

A drink you often order:
Raspberry iced tea.

Music you prefer to listen to when you are alone:
I never really listen to music when I'm alone at home. I only listen to music when I'm about to go to sleep, or if I'm playing Pokemon in bed. If I'm in the car alone, it all depends on what shuffle dishes at me and what I skip over.

The singer or band you currently listen to the most:
Today:: I haven't listened to anything today
This Week: Bloodhound Gang
This Month: Beatles

The film you could watch over and over:
I could stand to watch The Producers over and over. That movie is badasssssstronaut.

A TV show you watch regularly:
The Office

An artist whose work you highly respect:
The Beastie Boys, because they've been around for a long time.

Your favorite time of day:
I like anything but mornings.

If your house was burning, and you only had time to rescue three things, they would be:
I've thought about this so many times that I would rather not think about it anymore.

One person you have killed in your thoughts:
I don't think I've killed anyone.

One person you might kill if you knew the law would protect you:
Hmmm....::twiddles fingers:: mwahaha.

If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to:

Have you ever been to a psychotherapist?

The environmental issue that concerns you the most:
TRANS FAT i dont know i just had a dream where i was looking at everything and everything had no fat and was all good for you but the food sucked

The friend you have known for the longest amount of time:
Rachel, I guess, but we don't really talk. So that would leave Sarah.

A friend who makes you laugh often:
All of them tend to.

A friend who you can tell anything to:
I have many of those.

Your three best qualities:
I'm quiet, caring, and a good listener.

Your three worst qualities:

1. over sensitivity
2. worrysome
3. over romantic

Three words that describe how others view you:
"weezer, harry potter, innocent"

Three things for which you are often complimented:

1. um glasses i guess
2. my pants
3. music that i like

A special compliment that made you blush:
all of these did:

"I was just abou tto ask the girl behind you if she had your number..."
"Yeah i saw you this morning too. and have kind been seeing you everywhere. haha. i just hope you didnt catch me looking at your or anything..."
"Goodnight. it was really cool to meet you and hang out with you today. thanks"
"Yeeah. so im thinking we should hang out again. and thanks for being the one to talk to me first."
"Haha. Ill thank her. cause like i saw you and i was thinking of way to say hi or something. like i was going to leave a note on your car or something"
"That would be even more amazing. thanks :)"

The greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured:
I guess my knee. I would assume that will be cancelled out if I ever bear children.

The greatest amount of emotional pain you have ever endured:
I thought it was when Sam broke up with me, but lately that doesn't even cover it.

Your best physical feature:
Um...I dunno.

When you really want to get to know someone, you:
Well, apparently I hand my phone back to them with a text open saying "here's my number text me" and let it take off from there

When you are attracted to someone you:
....uh do the above as well.

Your most romantic experience:
Getting a heart necklace from Alexis. I really haven't had that many experiences, or good ones to say the least, so yeah. That was the best.

Someone has said or did something that you find extremely attractive, you:

Someone has said or did something that you find frighteningly unattractive, you:
I'd probably start to have a panic attack, but thats only if it's the person in question that i find attractive. if it's just a stranger then i usually am not affected.

A physical trait you find attractive:
Well I think a lot of people already know I'm an eyebrow freak. I really like eyebrows. Generally, I like soft features. I also like nice smiles, and I really like hair.

A personality trait that you find attractive:
I've found I really like witty people, people who can make me laugh. Also, people who likes the same things as me and who are not afraid to admit it (for example, reading books and pokemon)

A personality trait that you find unattractive:
I dunno, i really don't like drinking all that much or smoking. So if that's a trait, then I dont really like it. Other than that, like, personality traits that you don't really like, if there's more good than bad you just need to overlook them (unless you absolutely hate it and do not agree with it) and find ways to deal with it, or change it.

You are irritated when people ask you:
When people act like I'm stupid, or tell me unwanted things when I'm watching The Office (ex: Man michael would never make it in the real world)

You love it when people ask you:
to hang out

Your secret passion:
I'm not sure how to answer this one. Ha

You truly believe it is possible to be with one person for the rest of your life:
If you're 17, no. Things happen. Actually, it's so rare with the really high divorce rate and with people cheating and stuff. It's ridiculous. If you're going to cheat, just break up. Save that other person time, if you really love them, you selfish prick.

A type of person you don't seem to get along with:
Probably someone who thinks they're the shit, because I get really irritated and then snap at them. It reminds me of being in Driver's Ed. Whenever people are like that, I usually sink into the "try hard to act completely different" mode and then they think I'm weird and then I get pissed off that they treat me differently because I'm not the same as them. if any of that even makes sense

The sign you are most compatible with:
I dont know

Your previous partner's sign:
Actually, I can list all the people I've ever really liked because I'm creepy like that. Haha no actually just because i get curious and look and i happen remember weird things

mini rivers is a pices (sp?), lemon man is a taurus, carl is a saggitarius, sam is a scorpio, alexis is aries, and....yeah

The farthest distance you would travel now to be with someone you desire/love:
I don't know. With Alexis, i usually will find a way no matter what to at least see him for a little bit

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship:
I like security and being able to confide in someone. oh and cuddling how could i not mention that

What you dislike most about having a committed relationship:
I get really attached and I never want to be away from that person, which usually is why things end. And I dont like to have to realize the person that i dont want to let me down the most, probably will end up letting me down in some way shape or form.

A place where you have always wanted to have sex:
after i'm married and i'm completely ready emotionally, and physically if something happens and i end up getting teh pr3gg0rz



1. My 'ex' is = a skinny kid with a jew fro

2. I am listening to = You've Got a Friend in Me by Randy Newman

3. Maybe I should = ...go to bed

4. I love = Alexis, among many other people and things.

5. My bestfriend(s) = Alexis, Sarah, Monica, Ali, Alina... and many others. I have man people I can confide in.

6. I don't understand = myself sometimes

7. I lose my respect for = people who butcher beatles songs

8. I last ate = taco bell with the journalism crew! :D

9. The meaning of my display name= its my name. with a lot of nanannana-s after it

10. Love is = work and not all play

11. Someday = i'll be on my own

12. I will always = find my way

13. Love seems to be = hiding around every corner

14. I never ever want to lose = my life, my home, or alexis

15. Myspace is = a great communication tool, whether you like it or not

16. When I woke up this morning = i was unusually happy

17. I get annoyed = when i'm at home

18. Parties = are not my thing

19. My pet = theran is the most lovable guy in the world

20. Kisses = from alexis melt my heart.

21. Today I = took one step to being less sensitive and it felt awesome

22. I wish = i didnt cry so often about stupid crap

23. I really want = to be interesting


01. is your hair wet?: no
02. is your cell phone right by you?: no
03. do you miss someone?: yes, a happy alexis
04. are you wearing chap stick?: no
05. are you tired?: kind of
07. are you watching tv?: nope
08. are you wearing pajamas?: yes


01. recently done anything you regret?: not really
02. ever lied?: yes
03. ever stuck gum under a desk?: yes
04. ever kicked someone?: yes haha. i kicked julian in the shins once
05. ever tripped over your own feet?: yes


01. have you cursed?: probably
02. have you yelled at someone=no
03. have you gotten mad at someone?: no


Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now?

Q: do you have any siblings?:
no :\

Q: Do you want children?:

Q: do you smile often?
yes sir

Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:

Q: do you like your handwriting?:
sometimes i do. lately its been looking like a 4th grade boy's handwriting

Q: are your toenails painted?:

Q: are you a friendly person?

Q: who's bed did you sleep in last night?
my own

Q: what size ring do you wear?
i think its 7

Q what color shirt are you wearing?:
this yellow one

Q: do you have any pets?:

Q: what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
i was with sarah

Q: I can't wait until:
this bad mood breaks

Q: Is tom on your friends list?:

Q: ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
literally on alexis' and monicas, yes. but no one elses.


this sucked.


1.Your Nick name: Danna

2.Your detective name:(fav.color and fav.animal)- Green Kitty

3.Your gangster name:(1st 3 letters of ur 1st name then add izzle) Deaizzle

4.Yoursoap orea name:(your middle name and the street u live on)
Leslie San Pablo

5.Your star wars name:(the 1st 3 letters of ur last name then 1st 2 letters of ur first name) Morde

6.Your superhero name:(your second fav.color then ur fav. drink) Blue green tea..... wow.

7.Your witness protection name:(1 of ur parents middle names)

8.Your goth name:(bloody then ur pets name)
Bloody Buster

9.Your Iraq name:(2nd letter of ur 1st name,3rd lettr or ur last name,any letter of ur middle name,2nd letter of ur moms name, 3rd lettr of ur dads name, 1st lettr of a sibblings name, and the last lettr of ur moms middle name) Ersanie