
i am kyoote wifout da e lol so im jus kyoot lolol not cut frum da teem

I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been SO incredibly lazy. It's like I don't want to anything at all. Like, literally. I woke up this morning literally wanting to stay in bed all day long. All I want to do is like...wah. Yeah. I need to do sooo much stuff. I need to do my Junior Portfolio, I need to start working on my History notebook and I need to start reading Epitaph for a Peach again. I'm falling soo behind.

At least I think I'm actually going to do OK in Math. ::whispers:: thank you Jesus.


It's an early out today too. I totally forgot. Maybe I'll stay an hour after school and like, work on my Portfolio. Or I could find him and have him take me home...

5 minute bell. = (
I could always message Mr. Brooks on Myspace and ask him about this play. Of course, like, there's no guarentee of him responding soon. It's probably best I get him in person, then I'm totally assured of him like...telling me stuff. OK.

Hi Sarah
I love you
You're my favorite

^^That's my poem for Sarah.

Bell...I gotta go.


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