
Can you fill this out without lying?

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
My finger. I bite my nails.

Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?
Yes, in fact, I have.

Where was your default picture taken?
Ali's den

Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20?
Josef...Chris just turned 20.

Can you play guitar hero?

Last time you walked further than a block?
I don't remember. Quite recently.

Name someone that made you laugh today?

When was the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends?
I have never met her.

How late did you stay up last night and why?
Like 3 am. I was watching Scrubs

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Yes, San Luis. and then I'd take all my friends with me

Ever been kissed under fireworks?

Which of your friends lives closest to you?

Do you believe ex's can be friends?
Sam is my friend. So yes. But not in all circumstances.

Do you prefer to call or text?

How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper?
They fucked up.

When was the last time you cried really hard?
I don't remember.

Where is your biological father right now?
In the living room

Where are you at right now?
My room

When is your birthday?
July 27

Who took your profile picture?

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Chris + Adrian

Was yesterday better than today?
Definately. Well, so far

Can you live a day without TV?
Been there done that

What are you listening to?

Are you mad about anything?
Mother Nature is a bitch

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
Of course

Last time you spent the night at someone's house?
This past sunday

When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
After I read some stuff.

Are you involved with anyone?
Not really, no.

Where do you wish you were right now?
with my friends

What should you be doing right now?
um i dunno.

Is anything bothering you right now?
cramps blow hard

Are you a bad influence?

Night out or night in?
i like a night out with my friends to ihop. then a night in watching movies.

Are you more of an individual or an outgoing person?
Individual i think

What items could you not go without during the day?
probably something to drink

Would you share a drink with a stranger?

Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
When I had my knee surgury I think my mom said the twins visited me. That made me feel really special

Last hug?
I got a bear, no, grizzly hug from chris before i left last night

Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
alexis had one. it's a personal desicion. it would hit my teeth a lot when we kissed and it hurt. so um. yeah.

Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker?

Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire?

Do you ever think about any of your exes?
of course. i think about a lot of random people.

How do you feel about your life right now?
I was really happy this week. i feel bummed today.

how many times have you been pulled over by the police?
None, that rent-a-cop campus piece of crap doesnt count

Do you hate anyone?

Do you like anyone right now?
not like that

If we were to look in your phone inbox, what would we find?
texts from chris

Will you have a valentine this year?
probably not

Anyone upset you lately?
sorta yeah

Last person you talked to on the phone?
ummmmmmm. hm. oh, josef

Can you easily tell if someone is fake?
yeah i guess.

How's your heart?
It's fine i guess.


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