


Lets see how much you remember

- Who was your best friend?

- Who did you go out with?
No one

- Did you have a crush on anyone?
Marcus and Carl. Hah.

- What sports did you play?

Did you buy your lunch?

-Did you skip?

- Did you get suspended/expelled?

- What was your favorite class?

- What was your schools' name?
east bakersfield high

-Did you go to the dances?
nope, none of 'em

-If you could go back would you?
haiiiilll no

-Where did you sit at lunch?
"the wall"

- Who was your science teacher?
i didn't take science freshman year

- Who was your English teacher?
mr. mccabe. he was so cool.

- Who was your history teacher?
didn't have it

- Who was your math teacher?
mrs. owens, geometry

- Did you think you were cool?
haha no.

- Describe your outfits in ninth grade
shit on a stick

- Did you even have a cellphone?

-Who was your favorite teacher?
probably mr. mccabe

-What's your most memorable moment?
singing toxic with sarah in the weight room during p.e. or getting like, told about harry potter from this one physically challenged girl. that was so weird.

-What was your best accomplishment?
...um. nothing really.

-What action do you regret the most?
probably telling marcus i liked him.

-What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
a whole lotta nothing

-Did you make any lifelong friendships?
yes. :)

man i was boring freshman year.


"just run to him"


1. Next person you'll kiss:
I don't know. I hope it's that one kid with the cool socks, though.

2. Next movie you want to see:
Any movie on the list :)

3. Next person you want to go out with:

5. Next time you're going out:

6. Next place you'll take vacation:
WOO. Pismo!

7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out:
Continue watching Little Giants.

8. Next thing you are going to eat:

9. Next time you plan to be drunk:
Um. Not anytime soon.

10. Next thing you are going to do outside:
I dunno. Walk to my car?

11. Next person you'd like to see fill this out:
I don't care.



1. Last kiss:
A while ago.

2. Last person you hugged:
Um. Chris and Josef.

3. Last person you spoke to:

4. Last alcoholic beverage:

6. Last movie:
In theatres: no country for old mennn

7. Last person you thought of:
been thinkin about 'em all day

8. Last school you went to:

9. Last person you said I love you to:
um. i dunno

10. Last run in with the Law:

11. Last fight you were in:
i beat up a buncha black guys yesterday

12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to:
wow. um. last may?

13. Last person you IMed:

14. Last thing you ate:
Hot fries

15. Last thing you saved up money for:
my DS



1. First kiss:

2. First true Love:
um, if it was true love the first would be the last.

3. First heartbreak:

4. First car:
my vladdy <3

6. First computer:
that piece of shit

7. First concert:
the monkees

8. First alcoholic beverage:

9. First time you stayed out all night:
i've never really done that

10. First best friend:
rachel kibbey

11. First job:
el sombrero

12. First school:

13. First movie you watched in a theater:
probably some disney movie

14. First thing you really saved up money for:
pretty much nothing

1. If your being extremely quiet whats it mean?
i'm thinking

2. If someone hit you, what would you do?
"what did you do that for?"

3. Do you have feelings for your first crush?
um. no

4. Have you ever had a one night stand?

5. If so would you again? and if not, would you?

6. Last time you laughed?

7. Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
um perhaps?

8. Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?

9. Would you ever date your best friend (of the opposite sex)?
i dunno

10. Have you ever received sexy pics from someone?

11. Do you regret anything from your past?
not really. sorta kinda. but eh

12. If you could seek revenge on someone would you?

13. How do you react when people cry around you?
i feel really bad : (

14. Do you bump into someones arm if you want to hold their hand?
haha yeah i would totally do something like that.

15. Last argument?
i dunno. yesterday prolly

16. Last Kiss?
long while ago

17. Were they a good kisser?

20. Do you have a crush?
: )

21. Do you know how to belly dance?

23. What are you listening to?
little giants

24. Last beverage?

25. Last nap?

26. Do you own a planner?

27. Favorite month?
so it's probably gonna be april this year.

28. Would your parents be mad if you got or got someone pregnant?

29. Would your parents be mad if you were in a inter-racial relationship?

30. Would they be mad if you were gay/lesbian?
i dunno. it doesnt matter because i'm not.

31. What are you doing Saturday?

32. Sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
okay hands down its gotta be the starbucks cup. i totally didnt see it coming :)

33. Friend most like you?
sarah, we think alike

34. Kiss on the first date?
i dunno. im not that bold

35. Are you a slut/man whore?

36. Fav color?

37. Are you racist?

38. Excited for anything?

39. Ever had sex with two different people in ONE day?

40. Would you ever steal someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
its really not up to me, if they decide to leave thats their descision.

42. Last time you were confused?
i dunno.

44. Do you like to cuddle?

45. Have you ever done something behind your best friend's back and never told them but know you should?

47. Rent a movie or go to movies?

48. Been to mexico?

49. Own a gun?

50. Happy with life?

51. Do you like poptarts?

52. Where will you be 12 hours from now?
school...or making a cake

53. Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated?

54. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?

55. Where's your girlfriend/boyfriend at?

56. Are you on a desktop or laptop?

57. Does anyone hate you for no reason?
no, at least i dont think so

58. Can you make yourself cry?

59. What are you planning to do today?
todays over

60. Play an instrument?
guitar. sorta kinda

61. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
just to cherish it more, not to change it

62. What are your favorite colors?

63. Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now?
santa. dirty bastard

64. Have you ever fainted?

65. What are you doing tomorrow?
school, then cake makins

66. Are you easily confused?

67. Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?

68. What's your favorite kind of ice cream
mint chip, chocolate chip cookie dough, or chocolate peanut butter

69. Do you like coffee?

70. Do you like summer?
i will love it even more this time around

71. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?

72. Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?

73. What color are your socks?

74. Where were you at 8am this morning?

75. Do you fall for people easily?

76. Everything happens for a reason?

77. Have you ever dated someone more than once?

1.You're in the hospital, which 5 people would come to visit you first?
my parents and grandparents. sarah. ali and carl. prolly josef + crew

2. If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be?
"i dont give a shit"

3. What were you for Halloween?
a burrito

4. Do you believe world peace is possible?
no. there will always be one person who cant tolerate anything

5. I'm a genie. Name your wish.
pick me, please

6. Name one thing about the opposite sex that automatically turns you off?

7. Name one thing about the opposite sex that automatically turns you on?
being fun. smiles. and the way you look at me

8. Speaking of sex, what did you think about Brokeback Mountain?
never seen it

9. What are you obsessed with?
winston. and ____

10. Leatherface is in the kitchen, what do you do?

11. Do people underestimate you?
i dunno

12. When you're in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood?
doing something fun with my friends

13. What do you hope to have accomplished by the end of the year?
seducing you

14. Do you believe minimum wage should be raised?
no. cuz then the prices of everything else will just go up more

15. What is the background on your computer?
some starfish crap

16. Do you have any really crazy relatives?

17. Does everyone in your life know the real you?
pretty much. im always myself

18. Last thing you said out loud?
"i had to paint josefs present real quick"

19. What is the most ridiculous fear you have?
toilets. by far

20. Who was the last person to hug you? When?
chris and josef hugged me the other day when i met them at a&w

21. Beach or Mountains?

22. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
i dunno. but now i want one.

23. When did you last have a home-cooked meal?

25. Who do you miss?
matt dartnell
and monica

26. Are you named after a grandparent?

27. Does someone love you?
ali thinks so

28. Do you throw up gang signs?
you kno wme

29. Have you ever broken a rib?

30. Last song you heard?
misery biznass

31. What was the last thing you ate?
Hot fries

32. How do you feel RIGHT now?
pretty happy

33. Broken any bones?

34. Have you driven anywhere today?
sonic. lake isabella. home

35. What's your hair like?

36. Who's car were you in last?

38. What school do you go to?

39. What are you excited about the most right now?
april. mid-april

40. Is your birthday on a holiday?

41. Do you vote?

42. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now?

43. Are you a vegetarian?
no i like chicken too much

44. Do you worry about global warming?
yes. but its not global warming, really. cuz not everywhere is getting warm. its global climate change. and i'm not too worried about myself. i'm worried about animals and like, my future children and stuff.

45. Do you like polar bears?
yeah. they drink coke

46. Do you like alligators?
not really

47. Do you have to get your wisdom teeth out?
no, at least i hope not

48. Ashley or Mary-Kate?

49. Favorite tv show growing up?
i had so many

50. Do you have a tan?
not really

51. Where were you two hours ago?

52. Life... How do you feel about it?
its good

53. Have you ever logged on to your bf/gf/crush's Myspace page?

54. Name someone you love?
my friends

55. Do you own a pair of uggs?

56. What's your favorite junk food?

57. Who was the last person to text you?

58.Who was the last person to call you?
i dunno

59. Are you taller than 5'6?

60. What are you doing right now?
watchin little giants


wocka wocka wocka

1. What is a difference between the last two people you kissed?
One is thoughtful and kind, and the other one, while being kind, was not as thoughtful.

2. Do you believe that there is always room in your heart for your first love?
There is room in my heart for everyone.

3. Where is the next place you will travel to?
Hopefully SLO.

4. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
We were dating. Not that that's the reason to do it -- for the sole reason of dating. But, we liked each other and stuff.

5. Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s underwear?

6. Have you cried today at all?

7. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

8. When was the last time you cried?

9. Do you say sexy a lot?

10. When was the last time you had a sleepover?
Wow. Like, never, basically.

11. Do you have any gay friends?

12. What is something you currently want?
Summer and what it brings

13. When did you last throw up?
The day of my Government final

14. Do you want to get married & have children one day?

15. Do you still think about your exes?
From time to time

16. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

17. If you could, would you date a jock?
It doesn't matter, if he's a good person and we get along

18. Ever made out in a pool?

19. Where is your default picture taken?
In my house

20. Have you ever gambled in a casino?

21. Do you like to have long hair or short hair?

22. What is your favorite place you have traveled?
SLO/San Diego/Morro Bay/Bass Lake

23. Do you like ice cream?

24. What is your favorite color?

25. What was the last thing you bought?

26. Where do you keep your money?
Pockets, wallet, this drawer in my car

27. What was the weather like today?
Sunny. Kind of windy.

28. Where are your mom and dad?

29. What did you want for Christmas?
an iPod Touch. I didnt expect to get it but I did

30. Last vacation destination you went to?

31. Do you want to cut your hair?

32. Do you like to eat ice?

33. What is your favorite place to shop?
I dunno. I just like shopping in general haha

34. When do you go to sleep?
when im sleepy.

35. Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to?

36. Would you ever consider moving to another state to be with the one you love?

37. Do you like sushi?
never had it

38. Do you lie?
not often

39. Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
i dont drink.

40. Are you over the age of 25?
um. no.

41. Are you typically a jealous person?
at times. but not like, overbearing unhealthy jealous.

42. Own bright colored underwear?
ha yeah i think.

43. Who is the last person to text you?

44. What was the best movie you have seen in the past two weeks?
the last kiss

45. Are you going to have a good night?
nights over. and it was pretty good. gilmore girls + texting

46. Do you have strange dreams?
my life story

47. When was the last time you did the dishes?
haaaa i have no idea

48. Do you trust all of your friends?
most of them