With love from me to you.
she loves you, yeah yeah yeah!
i've hugged bingo once, and he's tickled my chin once in the past 20 minutes so i'm a happy camper as of right now. ::bingo senses tingling::
I think i'm getting sick, and i don't like it. I don't like it at all. Grr. These past days (yesterday, today respectively) have been weird. like, have you felt like weird that your human? that you don't know why you look like you do, and stuff? that's what i've been feeling like. i look at everyone and it's weird we're all.... humans. and it's weird how we live. for me, it's the same thing everyday. nothing new, nothing different. i see the same things, and i stay there. no movement occurs, i lead a stationary life. i live for nothing, but god. there's nothing really i can look forward to, being that fall season's over and Chris never calls me over to his house for practice anymore. maybe i'm just going through an apathetic phase, but i don't really care about anything anymore. well, i care about things, but just some select few.
Have you ever looked around and wondered why things are they way they are?
Have you ever wondered why a car looks like a car?
Have you ever looked at yourself and wondered why you look a certain way?
Do you do this everyday?
I do.
Do you look at the sky and wonder why?
Do you ever wish you could take a car and travel far away?
Do you ever look at yourself in amazement?
Amazement like you can't believe yourself?
I have.
Do you look at the person you like and wonder what it would be like to hold them?
Have you ever had that chance?
And then you're so happy for once in your life
and that person changes their mind and leaves you invisible?
I have, unfortunately.
Have you ever liked a person, and they liked you too?
It's the best thing in the world.
Until they change their mind.
And ask someone else out.
I know from firsthand, unfortunately.
I am so hungry. And tired. My nose is all plugged up.
Hunter was wearing Carl's sweater when i came into English, and he gave it to me because i siad i'd give it to Carl. :). I got to wear it. It's really warm and it smells really good. Maybe it's just me, like other things. But i liked it. Anyway, Hortensio saw me putting it on and was like, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YOO LOOK SO KYOOT IN CAWL'S JACKET!!!!!!!!!!!"
shoot me, please.
30 more minutes of class. i don't know if i can survive. of course i will, but it's hard to imagine.
>___< hahaha. lizard man.

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