
How do you do it? Make me feel like I do. How do you do it? It's better than I ever knew.

I really like this song. Stellar by Incubus.

I'm not supposed to be on here, but whatever. I don't really care. I don't like doing tutorials and I'm trying to find a way to get away from it right now. Blechhh.

I didn't bring my iPod to school today because I didn't feel like it and I only had half battery life. I hate the school's new policy about no electronic things on campus. Even if they tell people they can't bring that stuff, they will still bring it. It's just the fact that I don't (I really dont) want it to get taken away. I don't want to risk it. It sucks though. I can understand if they don't want kids to listen to stuff during class, but why not in here? I'm doing my work (well..haha) and I'm not really bothering anyone.

I need to take my HDVideo off of my flash drive so I can put a bunch of music on it. I hate carrying around cds and I don't want my iPod taken away if I get caught. I'll just put a couple songs I like, mix it up every now and again. Sounds gooooood, eh?

There are many things
that I would like to say to you
but I don't know how

I just heard the five minute bell, so I'm going to stop.

I keep thinking about him and if I ever let him know, he'd probably be really creeped out.


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