Seven times too many.
7 Things That Scares Me
1. drowning
2. burning alive
3. my cat dying
4. never getting sam back
5. never seeing monica again (GASPORZ)
6. hurting my knee again
7. pain
7 Things I Like Most About Me
1. my eyes
2. my clothes, i guess
3. my fingernails
4. my...legs i guess
5. i
6. dont
7. know
7 Most Important Things in My Room
1. computer
2. guitar
3. camera
4. bed
5. computer
6. computer
7. computerrrrrr
7 Random Facts About Myself
1. one of my favorite people in the whole wide world happens to be a cat
2. monica is the love of my life, on the other side of sam
3. zombies say COWWWWW
4. pizzaville still sucks
5. i love to eat
6. i make fun of stupid people
7. and i have fun doing it
7 Things I Can Do
1. play guitar
2. make a fool of myself
3. i can listen
4. i can walk
5. i can breathe
6. i can take up space
7. i can eat more than i weigh
7 Things I Can't Do
1. i can't get him back
2. i can't get another one
3. i can't do math even if my life depended on it
4. i can't do everything
5. i can't do anything right
6. i can't solve all your problems
7. i can't even solve mine
7 Things I Say The Most
1. huh?
3. umm, alright
5. sup
6. seriously
7. awesome
7 Celebrity Crushes
1. rivers cuomo
2. ewan mcgregor
3. dave grohl
4. harry potter
5. thats
6. about
7. it
7 Things I Hate Most About Me
1. I can be a jerk
2. I can be stubborn
3. i play tetris during math
4. i procrastinate too much
5. I am a negative nancy
6. i will never grow up and you can't make me
7. i'm chicken
7 People I Would Love To See Do This
i'm just really bored.
i wanted to comment on her page, but noooo, it was gay and wouldn't let me.
that's funny, because me love sammy too. =

5 minute bell.
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