Hey, why are you wearing my sweater?
Yeah, so Monica and I did get to go to the Weezer and the Foo Fighters concert. Man, it was freakin' rad.
It was fun.
I still think it was random and most coincedental that we saw Matt and Adrian there too. It was funny how Monica couldn't wipe that smile off her face after Matt hugged her twice. I also was humored at how Monica basically flung herself at Matt, and how he was like, "Whoa!" but smiled as equally big as she did. It was real cute. Haha, I love Matt. He's awesome.
Haha, he's wearing that shirt that's like super long. I think it's funny. It looks weird because he's a small guy, and his shirt is like 5894035 times bigger than he is. Haha, sounds like something James Dana would wear.
This is the part where I make fun of James Dana
James Dana's like a midget but wears XXXXXL clothes because he thinks he's a gangster. I hate how he always tries to act like the smart, intellegent kid but also the "I'm a gangster, and I could beat your ass" type. YOU CAN'T DO BOTH. IT'S ONE OR THE OTHER. He's just a stupid kid. I hate how he always says "It's cuz I'm black, huh?" Ten bucks would say if I was like, "Hey, yeah, that black kid, his name is James." He'd be like, "WHAT? IT'S CUZ I'M BLACK HUH?" I wouldn't even be insulting his race, and he still would be offended because he sucks. A lot. If I had a brick for everytime he said that, I could make a wall that stretched longer than the Wall of China. I'd probably have some bricks left over to throw at his stupid little head, too. That actually doesn't sound so bad.
Everything always reminds me of that.
"Mr. Mawson, what would you do for a Klondike bar?"
"I would throw this chair...right out that window."
And so continues another day in the life of myself. It's moving along at a moderate pace, considering it's still 1st period. I'd say "I want to go home" but there's nothing much to do there on weekdays, and I would probably be bored. School's good only because I have him in a lot of my classes (and she's not there...so I don't have to be heartbroken all day.), I "make his day brighter," he makes my day brighter, and he's nice to look at. What could be better?
Which brings me to the point...why in the hell doesn't he like me? I mean, he tells me how much I make him smile, how I make him feel better when he's sad, he told me about a billion times about how my hair looked really good after I got it cut, he told me that he thought I was really cute the first time he saw me, he told me he had a crush on me last year, HE TELLS ME ALL THIS STUFF AND I'M LIKE WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME FOR GOD'S SAKE?!?!
It's so confusing.
Sometimes I think he's only saying this because he knows I like him.
I know I sound extremely pessimistic, but I think it's better to see the negative sometimes than the posititve. Because, if you're negative about something, and then it turns out just dandy, you'll be happy and surprised. I'd rather be sad about something and then be surprised, then to be happy and let down. It's just how I see it.
The 5 minute bell just rang, so I need to be winding down.
WHUUUUUUT? Dog? In Journalism? Ok.
Today's Random Picture (There won't be one if Photobucket don't hurry it's little serverbutt up):

Until tomorrow....goodbye.
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