
zoom zoom zoom make my heart go boom boom my supernova girrrrl!

So it's another day.
I woke up this morning feeling rather meloncholy. I miss Sam. Speaking of which, I saw him this Friday. He went to the football game at East for a little while, and then he left. Julian said he left because he hates East, but I think he left because it was a combination of me and the suckiness.
I don't blame him not wanting to be around me though. It's kinda...umm, dramatizing? I don't know if that's the right word for it. Anyway.
I hung out with Alex this weekend, and it was really nice. I haven't got the hardcore butterflies in my stomach-nausea that I usually get (I hate to compare everything to Sam), so maybe I don't really like him that much. I wish things would move a little faster with him, but when I think more about it, it's probably a good thing that it's slow. Contrary to what I've been thinking, I'm probably not completely over Sam yet. Until I can be under stress and not cry at the same time about the thought of how I never got to see him wear those brown and gray cordouroy pants, I believe I will be almost completely over him. Until I can think about how nice his butt looked in those pants and not get teary-eyed, I will be in the home stretch. I probably will never get over him (if he doesn't metamorphisize into the world's biggest, baddest jerk) completely. I'll always like him.

Ha, then again, I said that about Logan, Greg, and Chris. Well, I still like Chris. Only this time it's like "little brother" feelings. Logan is alright, I can tolerate him as far as friends go, and Greg, well, in so many words, he can suck it.

Haha, Nigel is "Mmm-ing" about some cookies. Nigel likes them there cookies.
That one freshman, Zack, or whomever, said my name means Queen of Heaven. Damn straight. Moooooove on over, Jesus. Just kidding. I'd suck at running Heaven. Jesus is the man because he can handle the pressure of dealing with everyone's prayers and whatnot.
Shoot, if I were him, I'd tell them to stop their whining. Haha, which is ever so hypocritical, because that's basically all I ever do in here.

Whine, complain, whine, complain. I do that all day, and exactly in that order.

I probably should be studying for my math test, but I'm guessing I'd fail anyway.
Ah, hark! The five-minute bell.

Oh, and by the way, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride is totally kick astronaut.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Lovas, 65; devoted instructor
De Anza English Professor John Lovas passed away at his home on June 21. Memorial services were held privately and at De Anza.
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