
1. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Sure, yeah.

2. Where were you last night?
I was with Ali : )

3. What is today's date?
February 12th, 2008

4. Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Alexis. Maybe Ali...? Both said it jokingly, of course.

5. Biggest fear?
Losing all of my memories.

6. Do you return the cart?

7. What is your relationship status?

8. Has anyone ever sang to you?
Um...sort of.

9. Has anyone ever given you roses?
No, but I got some daisies from Alexis on my birthday, which was just as awesome.

10. If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Prrrrrrobably not.

11. Who do you text the most?
It's a toss up between a few people.

12 .What does your last incoming text say?
i dont know

13. What does your last outgoing text say?
"What are you doing?"

14. What is/are your favorite color(s)?

15. What color are your eyes?

16. What is a compliment you receive often?
Um. People like my shoes.

17. How tall are you?:

18. Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
Sarah told me she loved me when I dropped her off at home. : )

19. Do you like your parents?

20. Do you secretly like someone?

22. Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
I don't remember.

24. What do you prefer eat or sleep?
How dare you make me choose between my two favorite things, like, ever.

25. Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Um. My mom.

26. How long does it take you to shower?
Like 15 minutes.

27. Can you do splits?

28. Are you flexible?
Physically, no.

29. What did you do on New Years eve 2008?
Sarah and I drove around

30. Was your mom there?

31. Current annoyance?
My feet are cold. Distance sucks. Annnddd so does Theatre 101.

32. What is the last letter of your middle name?

34. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

35. Are you scared of flying?
i LOVE it

36. What do you sleep in?
whatever shirt i wore that day annnddd pj pantz

37.Who was the last person you hugged?

38. Do you like funny people or serious people?
Everyone in between

39. Have you ever been to Los Angeles?

40. What jewelry do you wear all the time?
Earrings, now. Um...I don't think glasses really count.

41. What do you have planned for tonight?
I think my routinely office viewing is gonna be cancelled.

43. Is the last person you kissed older than you?

44. Do you prefer myspace or facebook?
Person > Texting > MySpace > Facebook > Phone (depending who it is)

45. Wallpaper on your cell phone?
Jim Halpert

46. Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
i like my jeans. a lot

46. Who's going to win the superbowl?

47. Do you like messages or comments better?

49. Last movie you saw in theaters?
There Will Be Blood

50. Last thing you ate?
Cup O Noodles

51. What was last thing you drank?
Vanilla Coke

52. Are you happy right now?
I guess you could say that

53. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Oh man, oh man, oh man. 9 hours would be shortened to 9 minutes

54. Who makes you happiest right now?
My friends : )

55. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching the Office


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