
oh yoko

1 . First Name and middle name?
Deanna Leslie

2. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
Um, 4th of July.

3. Favorite fruit or veggie?
I like strawberries and carrots.

4. Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't?
Sometimes, depends on who it is.

5. Are you allergic to anything?

6. Is there someone/something you want?
I want a Cinnamon Melt. Hell yeah.

7. When was the last time you went swimming?
At Marcus Moreno's house....whenever that was.

8. How many U.S states have you been to?
Two...three? Three. No, four. Haha.

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in?

10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S?

11. What's your favorite kind of alcoholic drink?
Alcohol isnt for me

12. Does anyone have a crush on you?
My boo

13. What is your dream car?

14. What'd you do yesterday?
Worked, then hung out with Ali, Carl, Josef, Matt, Beth, Jeuel, Chris, and their clan :3

15. Are you bipolar?

16. So do you and your ex's have a good relationship?
We don't really talk, but we don't exactly hate each other

17. Where would you want to go on a first date?
I don't want to go on a first date. I want to go home with you and watch movies and cuddle because we've been together for a while already.

18. Have you ever kayaked?

19. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
not that i can think of, no

20. Are you an extreme racist?
not that i know of

21. What sound are you listening to right now?
people wasting their fireworks

22. What's your favorite song at the moment?
I have many and they are:
"oh yoko" & "love" by john lennon
"australia" & "new slang" by the shins
"heart made of sound" by the softlightes
"young folks" by peter bjorn and john
"kick push" by lupe fiasco

23. What was the last movie you watched?
l'enfant (the child)

24. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
alexis's house

25. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
not really

26. Have you ever been punched?

27. What's the first thing you notice a bout the same sex?
hair and clothes.

28. Did you participate in any sports in high school?

29. What do you usually order from Olive Garden?
shrimp...........i forgot what it is but it has shrimp in it. and it's really good.

30. Say something totally random about yourself:
dark skinned white girl

31. Do you have an iPod?
yeah, sir felix der weinershnitzel

32. Do you have freckles?

33. Are you comfortable with your height?
yeah, sorta i guess

34. Do you love someone right now?
my boooooo

35. How tall are you?

36. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
like twice

37. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
not really, thankfully

38. Do you watch MTV?
not really

39. Do you have a crush?

40. What's the latest you have ever stayed out?
probably with ali

41. Who do you live with?
mom & pops

42.What color are your eyes?
caca brown


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