
1.You single?

2. Do you hate your ex?
I don't hate Sam, but I don't particularly like him either. I can tolerate him, but sometimes when I think about him it just makes me feel kind of sick. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I can't believe I dated him for that long, especially when he cheated on me and made me feel like an object of affection. Also, Maybe I've just changed, but he just is not attractive to me anymore. His little kid pictures are still cute though.

3. Why are you single or taken?
I'm in a relationship because I want to be, and because I enjoy being with Alexis and we're both pretty sure we want to stay together for a long time.

4. Whats the one word to describe you?

5. How many close friends do you have?
I have quite a few. I like being able to confide in people.

6. Do you cry a lot?
I'm a very emotional person. I wish it wasn't like that because I feel like a wuss when I cry.

7. Do you like being by yourself?
Yeah, sometimes.

8. Do you like to read?

9. Do you like to sniff markers?
If they're scented, then, yeah.

11. Do you like taking pictures?
I love taking pictures, both being the subject and being the photographer.

12. Are you pale?
Not really. I'm half white half mexican. One guy once said I looked Hawaiian. Go figure.

13. Do you like kids?
I love kids.

15. Are you still not over your ex?
I'm way over him. In fact, I get a bit disgusted when I see him.

16. Do you think you will be married by the time your 18?
Most likely not.

18. Are you weird?
Yes, but not in a creepy way.

19. Do you know how to spell?
I take pride on being a good speller.

20. Do you think your smart?
I'll put it this way: I know I'm not stupid.

21. Are you annoyed easily?
Depends on my mood and who's talking.

22. Are you conceited?
Not at all.

23. Do you like to dance?
Yeah, but I suck at it.

24. What do you think is so fun about myspace?
Sad, but I like playing around with the html. Plus, its fun to leave dumb comments.

25. What is your favorite movie?
I don't know, but I really like The Producers.

26. Do you like taking surveys?
Yeah, when I'm bored.

27. Do you get bored easily?
Not really, just when I'm at home by myself, which is hardly ever.

28. What kind of tv shows do you like?
Funny ones or like, detective shows.

29. Would you ever dance naked in the rain?
Probably not.

30. Have you ever snuck out of your house?

31. Are you a messy person?
Sort of. My room is messy, but as far as hygiene goes, I'm not messy.

32. Do you lose things easily?
Yes, and I absolutely HATE it.

33. Do you love your family?
Yes, but sometimes they're not the smartest and/or logical people in the world and it's really frustrating.

34. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Not really, more of thinking they're a good looking person is more like it.

35. Where do you want to live one day?
As long as I'm happy, it doesn't matter to me.

36. Do you like talking on the phone?
Most of the time, no, but if it's with certain people I'm down.

37. Do you laugh at jokes just to be nice?
I'll probably laugh because I don't get it.

38. Are you a clean freak?

39. Do you like church?
I don't go, but the times I went with Sam were pretty cool.

40. What is one thing that you did today?
...went to school.

41. Say an inside joke/something that nobody else knows?

42. What is your favorite class and why?
I like Physics. Things are tight with Ander, Dan, Adrian, Ashley, Alex and Nick. I love that class.

43. Do you hate someone?
No, hate is too strong of a word. I dislike some people, but I try not to "hate" people.

44. If you do hate someone why?

45. Do you like to fight or argue?
Isn't that basically the same thing? Or is the "fight" in a physical sense? If so, then I guess argue.

46. Have you ever been in love?

47. Do you lie a lot?
Not really.

49. If you were the opposite sex would you date yourself?
Probably not.

50. Do you sometimes cry for no reason?
Yeah. Sometimes you just gotta let it out.

51. Do you sometimes laugh for no reason?
Haha, yes.

53. Do you like the clothes you wear?
Not really, but I never seem to be brave enough to try anything else so I'm kind of stuck.

54. Do you think you were an ugly baby?
I was freakin' adorable....then....I grew up.

55. What do you want to be doing right now?
I wish Alexis were here.

56. Do you like Valentines Day?
It's cool.

57. Do you miss someone?

58. Do you have a favorite place?
There are lots of places I like to be.


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