what the
Finish the sentence:
1. My ex is... a scene kid whether he likes it or not
2. I am listening to... me cracking open sunflower seeds
3. Maybe I should... go to sleep.
4. I love... lots of things
5. My bestfriend(s)... are awesome
6. I don't understand... driving restrictions
7. I lost... my mind as many or more times as my wallet
8. People say... "hail duduga"
9. The meaning of my screen name is... me being a freak
10. Love is... alexis
11. Somewhere, someone is... wishing i was there with them, and the feeling is returned
12. I will always... eat more than my collective weight
13. Forever seems... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i dont know
14. I never want to... have my arm severed off
15. My mobile phone... is actually alexis'
16. When I wake up in the morning... i go back to sleep most of the time
17. I get annoyed when... people are freaking stupid
18. Parties are... full of pie
19. My pets are... fat and furry
20. Kisses are the best when... it's from alexis and not some rapist
22. Tomorrow I will... be with alexis
23. I really want... to be with alexis, or with monica, sarah or ali. yeah, that would be nice
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