

.:. junior high school: compton.
.:. elementary school: nichols.
.:. favorite soda: pepsi + dr.pepper = dr. pepsi, deanna's favorite.
.:. favorite bands: weezer.
.:. favorite animal: cats, otters, and pandas.
.:. favorite fruit: strawberries.
.:. favorite weather: the good soccer kind of weather.

Do You:
.:. have a girlfriend/boyfriend: yes.
....think ppl think ur attractive: um, i guess.
.:. like someone: yes.
.:. want more piercings: eh.
.:. want a tattoo: nah.

.:. person talked to: sarah.
.:. person you imed: alexis.
.:. shower: 1:30 p.m.
.:. movie you watched: donnie darko.

Have you:
.:. ever cried over a girl or boy: yes.
.:. ever been arrested: no.
.:. ever had a friend die: um. no.
.:. ever dated a cousin: no. i only have two boy cousins. they are both older than me and aren't attractive to me either.
.:. ever used a gun: no.
.:. ever finished a puzzle: yes.
.:. ever gotten surgery: yes.
.:. ever hated someone: i don't hate anyone.

Pick one:
.:. blue or red?: blue.
.:. spring or fall?: fall.

Random stuff:
.:. criminal record?: none.
.:. do you speak a different language? a little.
.:. piercings and where?: i don't have any.
.:. initials: d.l.m.
.:. how old do you act?: depends on who i'm with.
.:. braces: been there, done that.
.:. do you get embarrassed? sometimes.


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