
and it goes like this

1) Where was your last kiss?
Outside in my driveway.

2) What color boxers/underwear are you wearing?
I think they have a pattern on them. They're white though.

3) What are you listening to right now?
I was listening to the Beatles in the car earlier. I'm not listening to anything at the moment.

4) Whats your favorite number?
9 and 99

5) What was the last thing you ate?
A chicken soft taco from Del Taco.

6) When was the last time you smiled?
Earlier when I saw Steven and Rouzbeh.

7) How is the weather right now?
It's pretty dang hot.

8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

9) What is your worst habit?
Probably biting my nails and the inside of my cheek/lips.

10) Do you drink?
Not alcohol.

11) Do you smoke?

12) When was the last time, if ever, you blacked out?

13) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yes, and I think he's wonderful.

14) Your Hair color?

15) Eye Color?

16) Do you wear contacts?
No, I wear glasses.

17) Favorite Holiday?

18) Favorite Month?
Hm. Anything but January, basically. January is a fudge packer.

19) Have you ever cried for no reason?

20) What was the last movie you watched?
Nacho Libre

21) Favorite Day of the Year?
I don't know, I have lots.

22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Not the kind of "Hey let's go do something" asking out.

23) Last advice you gave to someone?
I don't remember.

24) What was the highlight of your weekend?
Alexis coming home.

25) Chocolate or Vanilla?

26) Favorite Car?

27) What did the last message on myspace say?
It was from Ali, telling me it was alright if I vented to her. She also asked me where Alexis had been, I could stop by later and say hi, and that Greg was going to go over and hang out with her because he would be out of town on her birthday.

28) Who was the last person to call you?
Andrew called me, but I didn't know. My phone was on silent.

29) What was the last sports game you watched?
US vs. Ghana.

30) When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
Umm, probably the time when I spent the night at Monica's house and I slept on the floor. Her mom woke me up at like 8:00 or something and told me to get off the floor and get in Monica's bed, and her mom made Monica go sleep on her bed.

31) Favorite color?
Green, dark blue, and grey.

32) What are you wearing?
Jeans, my new green shirt from Gap, white socks, and Ali's white/green necklace.

33) What were you doing before this?
Running errends for my dad.

34) Any pets?
Three cats.

35) Favorite Drink?
AriZona Green tea.

36) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?

37) Dogs or Cats?
Cats. Fo' sho.

38) Favorite flower?

39) When was the last time you got in trouble?
Yesterday, I accidentally left the laptop locked.

40) What did you do?
See above.

42) Who would you like to see right now?
Monica or Alexis. I'm going to see Alexis soon, so Monica. Although, I will be seeing her tomorrow.

43) Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
Seggan Moore! There are other people, but she's the only one who's stayed fairly close to me.

44) Have you ever fired a gun?
Not any real ones.

45) Do you like to travel by plane?
It's nice. Except I really don't like the bathrooms they have.

46) What websites do you go to frequently?
Google Images, LiveJournal, Myspace, Wikipedia and this.

47) If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
I would either be at Alexis' house, Monica's house, London, England, orrr....a World Cup game...one with England in it, since USA is out of the World Cup.

48) How many pillows do you sleep with?

49) Are you missing someone?
Yeah. I miss Monica. I miss Alexis too, but I'm not too worried about it because I'm going to see him soon.

50) How was your day?
So far, it's been awesome.


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